
Thursday 28 June 2012

Chapter 6 - The Strongest Flame

This chapter is named "The Strongest Flame" because it pretty much focuses on the character of ASR, how much it varies and explores the different shades to it. I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed typing it out ;) x.

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him.” - Sidney Greenberg

Arundathi watched as Arnav strode out of his room and stood at the top of the stairs, his body perfectly erect, every pore in his body screaming out control and it angered her. She watched as he flicked through pages in a file, irritation flashing across his face then quickly closed it and fixed his tie, hurriedly walked down the steps and strode out of the house. He was the mirror image of her husband, the high jaw-line, the commanding stance, the molten caramel brown eyes and the attitude that bowed down to none, so unlike her son Aakash. Things should have worked out differently, she should have gone through things more smartly. But it was still not too late, she would fix it, things would change! She closed her eyes, controlling her anger, the images of the past flashing through her mind once more.

A memory:
Arundathi Singh Raizada sat caressing her bloated stomach, she was 7 months pregnant. Two more to go and she would give birth to the first born Raizada, hopefully a boy to take forward the family name, giving her the deserved respect as the elder daughter-in-law of the family. She watched her husband as he gathered his files and strode out of the room, without so much as a glance back at her. She needed this child; maybe holding the little bundle of joy in his arms her husband would become hers again, leave that worthless whore he had had the audacity to sleep with behind. She would make sure that that woman died along with the dirty child growing inside her. She didn't know Arundathi Raizada yet!

"Mamma!"Anjali screamed snapping Arundathi out of her past. "Mamma! Are you even listening to me? I've been talking to you for the last five minutes!" She exclaimed, bobbing up and down with joy. Arundathi smiled back delicately at her youngest child. Her reckless smile and bubbly behaviour never refusing to calm Arundathi down.

"Sorry hunny, I was lost in my thoughts for a minute there," she smiled, "what's up?" She enquired, placing a hand on Anjali's chin and looking into those glittery eyes.

"Well... I really wanted to go to this party tonight," she chimed, looking away.

"You know you can't go alone Anjali," Arundathi cut in immediately.

"I know mamma!" Anjali jumped in exasperation, "let me finish na," she moaned.

"Yes yes sorry, go on hunny," Arundathi smiled back at her daughter's childishness.

"Well I was wondering if you could ask bhai to come with me, I don't mind, some of his friends will be there too!" She finished off rapidly, one word quickly flowing after the other and Arundathi had to strain her ear to fully comprehend what was being said.

"Well I guess that's okay," she agreed, "I'll definitely ask Aakash for you."

"No mamma!" Anjali quickly snapped, "not Aakash bhai he's so boring and he hardly has any friends," she frowned disapprovingly. "I was talking about Arnav bhai," she smiled brightly.

Arundathi's eyes widened and anger flashed across them instantly. Why was her own daughter so desperately prepared to trust Arnav more than her own brother. Sure Aakash wasn't as approachable as Arnav at times but it didn't hurt to try. She sighed loudly, exhausted with Anjali's behaviour not for the first time. "Well if that's the case then I'm sure you can ask him yourself. He'll probably be more likely to say yes to you." She snapped gruffly and walked away leaving a confused Anjali behind.

"Oh well," she dismissed the situation out of her mind and moved onto planning how she would get Arnav to agree.


"Do you know what?!" Khushi screamed pushing back her chair and standing up, glaring down at Aakash, "I don't even know if I want to marry you anymore!" She threatened, pointing her finger at him, trembling with the anger she was feeling at the man sitting in front of her.

He stood up too, suddenly, his nostrils flaring with rage at Khushi for ruining his day, annoyed at his fate for having to pretend to love such a foolish stupid girl. He was done with being calm, with handling her stupid tantrums. "Shut up Khushi!" He bellowed, towering over her. "Keep your nonsense reserved for bhai okay! I don't have the fucking time!"

"What!?"She was irrupting with anger. How dare he? "What the hell did you say?!"

"You heard what I said!"

"How dare you!" She stared him right in the eyes, her hazel eyes scorching with rage. "How dare you bring Arnav in to this anyway! This is between me and you!"

"Put your finger down Khushi! I'm not taking your crap anymore!"

"You are not taking my crap anymore?" Khushi questioned, moving herself away from the table. "You know what Aakash? I'm not taking your crap anymore! This wedding is not happening! I'm sick..." She stopped mid sentence as he grabbed her arm, she yelped in pain as she felt his fingers grind against her bones."Aakash let go of me!" She screamed through the pain.

He yanked her towards him, her fragile body banging into his. "We are getting married!" He growled, his hot breath on her face.

Khushi stood trembling, crouching away from his gaze, her breath coming out quicker.

"I don't care for your decision anymore! We are getting married and that's the end of it!" He screamed then let her go, pushing her away from him and turned round, stomping away from a shaking Khushi.

Khushi watched him walk away, wiping her eyes, shaking with fear. What had just happened?


Arnav sat back on his chair, bringing the paper to his face as he scrutinised the highlighted numbers once more. Then he took the phone out, pressing the numbers in a flash.


"Yes sir."

"I'll send you a list of numbers, I want a trace done on all of them," he spoke into the phone, his eyes calculating as he continued to glance through the numbers.

"Yes sir, I'll get that done."

"Good and one more thing, I want a computer hacker sent to my house tomorrow."

"A computer hacker sir?" Asked a bewildered Aman, not sure what Arnav was up to this time.

"Yes Aman a hacker," Arnav repeated sighing. "Just do what I tell you to do!"

"Yes sorry sir, will get that done."

Arnav replaced the phone and leaned back on his chair, closing his eyes satisfied with the way things were going. He opened his eyes and looked across to Lavanyas empty cubicle, a small smile spreading across his face, thankful that his annoying secretary was away for two weeks. Placing his hands on the desk and smoothly pushing the chair back he stood up and walked over to the large glass wall of his office and looked down at his employees working away, a feeling of contentment washing through him, when he caught a glimpse of a sobbing Khushi entering, and his face immediately scrunched up in worry.

He watched as she smiled to the security guards, nodding a smile and hurriedly wiped her face,she then fixed her hair, sniffed patting her face once more then attempted a few different smiles. Anger sparked in his eyes knowing that she was preparing herself for another lie and knowing who had made her cry. He watched her take slow steps up the winding staircase, her eyes planted to the ground and it pained him. It was like Aakash was on a killing spree with her soul, his darkness was seeping into her bubbly nature and that angered him to the core.He clenched his fists, straining himself from punching his fist into the glass.

He turned round just as she sprang into the room, a wide grin placed on her face and his heart welled up in pain for her. Her smiled faltered slightly at seeing the pained expression on Arnavs face. "What's wrong?" She questioned still smiling and moved closer to him.

"Arrey angry young man! What's up with you? Wrong side of the bed today?" She chuckled placing her hand on his shoulder and he smiled at her, proud of her courage to let go and keep going.

He turned round completely to face her and watched her face for a second and opened his mouth to tell her to give up on the act but then thought better of it. She'd probably make something up or tell him off in return and she wasn't here to see him because of that. She was here because she wanted to forget whatever had happened and because she knew he would always be there. "Something like that," he winked then walked over to the filing cabinet and took out a file.

"Anyways,whatevs, I was bored so..."

"You came over to chew my brain?" He looked back at her and smirked.

"No!"She was behind him in a second, turning him around, "I wanted to go get ice cream!" She jumped with a wide grin on her face.

"Ice cream?" He asked, lifting an eyebrow, "you are aware it's raining?" He smirked at her childishness, maybe Aakash wasn't getting to her after all and if he was he certainly wasn't doing anything to her madness, he thought rolling his eyes to the heavens.

"Don't roll your eyes at me! Don't you know it's best to eat ice cream in the rain? Come on we used to do it all the time!" She exclaimed, and then began to shake him, "Arnav ice cream!"

"Oh god! Let me go you psycho! We'd have ice cream in the rain and I'd always end up with the cold!" He retorted back, attempting to stop her from shaking him like a mad person.

"So? That'll just give you an excuse to stay off of work for a while," she winked.

"You make no sense!" He replied exasperated, removing her fingers one by one off his shoulder then moving her arms away when suddenly she moved back in pain. He watched her face scrunch up then the attempt to hide it with a smile and his eyes widened in shock as he witnessed the bruise on her milky skin. He moved her arm up to his face immediately, taking in the purple and red colouring and he felt the fire of rage consume his whole body. He glared at her for a second, his breaths coming out faster as he took in the fading smile from her face."Who did this to you?!" He growled through gritted teeth.

"No one," she lied, her voice trembling from fear of Arnavs reactions,"I...I," she stuttered.

"Don't lie to me Khushi!" He screamed.

"I'm not lying! It's nothing!" She screamed back, finally regaining her composure, standing tall and looking straight into his eyes.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" He exclaimed, pushing her back, "why the hell are you trying to protect him?"

"I'm not protecting anyone!" She yelled back louder, this wasn't the right thing to say to Arnav, she didn't want to create a rift between brothers, it wasn't right. "And who do you mean by he? Who are you talking about?"She questioned, attempting once more to make up a believable lie.

"WHAT?!"He yelled. "Khushi! Don't give me this crap!" He exclaimed pointing a finger at her, "you and I both know who I'm talking about!"

"Don't talk to me in that tone of voice Arnav Singh Raizada! I'm not your employee!"She growled back at him.

"SHUT UP!" He took a threatening step towards her, seemingly having lost all sense of control.

Her eyes widened and she took a step back, fearing how badly this could go. "You shut up!" She exclaimed pointing a finger back at him. "And I don't want ice cream with a maniac anymore! Let me know when you are done with your bloody man period!" She yelled then stomped out.

He sighed loudly, clenching his jaw and punched the table top, causing the items on it to rattle, then took the glass of water from his table and crashed it to the floor, his blood boiling with anger.


Arnav drove with blind rage, the car swerving round every bend, he slammed on the breaks and the car came to a screeching halt inches from the garage gate. He snapped off his belt and flung open the door then getting out slammed it shut. The bruise still played  over and over again on his mind, he scrunched his  eyes shut and leaned against the car, attempting to shut it out.

"I'm not protecting anyone!"

"There is nothing wrong Arnav."

"He's just got a lot going on."

"Sir he meets a woman called Payal."

"Rooms 241, 256, 128 and 176."

"There is nothing wrong Arnav."

"It's nothing!"

"I'm not protecting anyone!"

"Aaargh!"He screamed punching the side of the car, leaving a dent. He pushed himself off of the car and strode past a bewildered Anjali, flinging the door open. He was at Aakashs room within seconds, taking in the surroundings his eyes fell on a shocked Aakash, who watched him with surprise. His jaw clenched as he took in the form of his younger brothers, even looking at him brought disgust. Arnav pounced forward and grabbed Aakash by the collar, kicking close his door. Aakash attempted to escape his grip, flustered at what was happening but to no avail and screamed in agony as Arnav crashed him into the wall. His hot breath on Aakashs face, he watched Arnavs murderous features in confused shock and pain as Arnav gritted his teeth and brought his face closer to his. His blazing brown caramel eyes scorching with rage.

"If you lay so much as another finger on her again, I will personally rip that finger out of it's joint!" He growled through gritted teeth, "Do you get that?!" He slammed Aakashs body into the wall once more and strode out of the room as Aakash slid down to the floor in agony.


Khushi looked upon hearing his footsteps then looked away back towards the window again, in a huff, her eyebrows arched and mouth thin in a pout.

"So we are looking away now are we?" His husky voice asked and she continued to look away, refusing to look towards him. "Well I was thinking we could have some ice cream inside and that way I wouldn't even end up with the cold," he smirked at her, amused by her stubbornness that seemed to be getting in the way of everything lately.

She looked back at him through the corner of eyes, then tucking the loose strands of hair falling over her face behind her ears she look away once more.

"Well then I guess I'll just have to have this Baskin Robbins Very Berry all to myself," he continued then took a seat at her desk, slowly opening the lid.

Her eyes lit up immediately, and the tiniest of smiles spread over her lips but she hid it rapidly, not wanting to fall for his tricks. A feeling of irritation flickered through her at the fact that he always annoyed her then managed to force her to forget about it. She stood up suddenly, annoyed and fixed her pair of harems and started to walk towards the door when his strong hand grasped her arm and she stopped, annoyance clear on her face.

He made sure to hold her arm above the bruise, seeing it still made his blood boil and anger momentarily flickered through his face as he thought of the many things he could have done to Aakash for so much as touching her. Quickly brushing the angry thoughts out of his mind, he looked towards her irritated face and smiled at her idiotic pouting. "I'm sorry," he whispered, giving in.

All this feels strange and untrue
And I won't waste a minute without you 
My bones ache,my skin feels cold
And I'm gettingso tired and so old

The anger swells in my guts
And I won't feel these slices and cuts
I want so much to open your eyes
Cause I need you to look into mine

Tell me that you'll open your eyes
Tell me that you'll open your eyes...

His husky voice broke down all her defences, and she couldn't help but break into a smile then fixed it back to a pout quickly and she proceeded to removing his hand from hers then started to walk away.

"Hey I said I'm sorry, god stop being a drama queen," he said standing up, a little bit more annoyed and moved in front of her to block the way.

"Don't call me a drama queen!" She glared at him, "I'm going to get a spoon!" She shouted in his face shoving him out of the way and ran away laughing. Arnav laughed back at her stupidity, "get me one too!" He yelled back.

She stopped in her tracks, "What!? How the hell were you planning to eat that ice cream? With your paws?"

"I thought I'd lick it," he winked.


"Shut up and bring the spoons before I actually lick it!"

Arnav watched as she rolled her eyes and walked off towards the kitchen. He wanted to jump forward and protect her from the whole world.

Get up, get out, get away from these liars
Cause they don't get your soul or your fire
Take my hand, knot your fingers through mine
And we'll walk from this dark room for the last time

Every minute from this minute now
We can do what we like anywhere
I want so much to open your eyes
Cause I need you to look into mine

Tell me that you'll open your eyes
Tell me that you'll open your eyes...

Garima watched smiling as her daughter who had been in her room crying for the last few hours now ran to the kitchen laughing. She had seen the bruise as soon as Khushi had entered and on questioning Khushi had told her that she was no longer marrying Aakash, which unfortunately Shashi had overheard. Shashis word was always final in the house and he had told Khushi right then that she was getting married to Aakash whether she liked it or not, Khushi had argued, shouted, cried but Shashis word was final and he had stormed out of the house threatening the both of them.

She sighed to herself, it was time to tell Arnav, it didn't matter that Aakash was his brother anymore. She needed someone on her side and there would be no one else but Arnav that would stand by Khushi, she was certain of it.

~ Get up, get out, get away from these liars
Cause they don't get your soul or your fire ~

I wanted towrite more :P but then realised that the update would then end up a bit toomuch on the long side. Enjoy! x

Lyrics credit:Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol - do listen to it, it's perfect! 


  1. Damn, so Shashi is the bad guy too?!?! Well, you know the patriarchy-runs-in-my-blood father is as bad as the villain, namely Arundhati Raizada!

    Why is Khushi is naive towards her surroundings? Unless she is aware of everything and letting the game play out itself? Hmmm, that would be nice.

  2. nicee updatee ..
    hatee shasi alsoo :(
    poor arhii :(
