
Thursday 14 June 2012


"Handbag, purse. Oh shit! Where's my passport?" She started throwing things out of her bag again. Her lip balm went sliding across the laminate flooring. "Argh!" She growled and half crawled, half slid over to pick it up. "What was I looking for now? Oh yes passport. Passport! Where the hell is it?" Her bag was empty. She moved towards the large couch, pulling the cushions away. "Here it is!" Her eyes gleamed as she looked at the battered book, thankful that hadn't ended up in a disaster. She looked around then, taking in the mess. "Oh no," she threw her head back. "I'll have to clean this up now as well!" She groaned and began picking things up, quickly putting them back in their designated places, throwing things back into her bag once again.

X gon' give it to ya
Fuck wait for you to get it on your own
X gon' deliver to ya

"Argh! Who is it now?!" She groaned, standing up and reaching inside her pocket. "Mum! Always calling at the wrong time!" Her brows furrowed as she slid the call on. "Khushi are you out of the house yet?" "Mum I would be if you actually let me get out first." "Shut up don't use that tone with me! Hurry up you are already running late!" Don't you think I know that? Okay bye! Let me leave!" She ended the call, stuffing it back in her pocket, even more annoyed than before. "That's enough, I can fix it when I get back," she clumsily mumbled to herself and reached for her bag, placing the strap over her left shoulder, whilst pressing the handle of her larger suitcase up pulling it slightly with her then leaving it back again. She ran over towards the stove, checking the gas tabs were closed one last time, closed the kitchen door behind her, turned all of the lights off then went back to her luggage, pulling the handle and quickly walking out of her cosy little flat. 

She arrived at her car a little out of breath having dragged her luggage down the flights of stairs and heaved her luggage into the boot, even more annoyed now at the fact that she was making the journey alone. "This is all your fault anyway!" She cursed herself as she got in. "Now where are my sunglasses? Aah there they are!" Another smile fixed itself on her face as she plopped them on and turning the music up loud she drove off. 


"What the hell is wrong with you? Arrange it now! Get your ass on the job and stop moaning like a goddamn baby! Can't you do anything right?!" He screamed into the phone then ended the call, agitated at everything that had been happening since that morning. "Ping" his phone announced the arrival of yet another text message. He took his phone and looked at it, annoyance building up in his mind once again of having to read another one of Lavanyas long winded text messages, which half of the time made no sense and possibly had nothing important in it anyway. He was glancing through the text, not taking any of it in when something slammed  into his chest, knocking the phone out of his hand. His hand automatically caught her arm, catching her mid-fall. He looked to her face his death-glare already formed when their stares clashed and their eyes almost immediately widened in surprise. 



both screamed at the same time, their expressions quickly turning into ones of recognition.